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KuCoin is likely personally invested in BCD and is complicit in allowing a pump and dump like this to happen while disabling deposits. A legitimate exchange would love the new influx of fees. Typical 'close deposits then p&d' bullshit. KuCoin is a global cryptocurrency exchange for numerous digital assets and cryptocurrencies. Also known as “The People’s Exchange”, KuCoin launched in September 2017. They aim to provide users with digital asset transactions and exchange services which are both convenient and exceptionally secure. There are currently 23 Bitcoin Diamond exchanges where you can buy, sell and trade Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) with a total 24-hour volume of $ 7.87M. You can buy Bitcoin Diamond with USD, KRW, IDR and 1 more fiat currencies. Bitcoin Diamond can be exchanged with 7 cryptocurrencies. You can also buy Bitcoin Diamond with and Tether stablecoin. The best Bitcoin Diamond exchange for trading is Binance. KuCoin provides an exchange service for users to conduct digital asset transactions securely and efficiently. Over time, KuCoin aims to provide long-lasting, increased value to its more than five million registered users, in over 100 countries. In November 2018, ‘The People’s Exchange’ officially partnered with IDG Capital and Matrix The KuCoin Exchange places an emphasis on the quality of the projects listed based on a research department that scours the blockchain industry for quality projects. KuCoin provides an exchange service for users to conduct digital asset transactions securely and efficiently. Over time, KuCoin aims to provide long-lasting, increased value to its Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) is a fork of Bitcoin that occurs at the predetermined height of block 495866 and therewith a new chain will be generated as the BCD. Bitcoin Diamond miners will begin creating blocks with a new proof-of-work algorithm, and will consecutively develop and enhance the protection for account transfer and privacy based on The fork occurred at block height 495866.How to get Bitcoin DiamondGet live charts for Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) price, learn to trade bitcoin profit in manchester volume, market cap, supply, exchanges, historical bitcoin diamond deposit kucoin statistics and key fundamentals.

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